Saturday, February 18, 2012

Spring is Springing!! Birds are Singing! Frogs are Croaking!

Spring is springing and I love it!  Walk out the door early mornings to walk my dogs and the birds are singing!  Out by the pond the frogs are croaking!  Watching for signs of the berry bushes to start turning and for the dandelions to start blooming.  Dandelion Wine, Fried Dandelion Tops, Fresh Dandelion Greens, Dandelion Jelly and Jam are coming to mind!

Red Bud Jelly is another Spring treat that comes to mind with Red Bud and Clover Cookies!  Spring Recipes are sprouting in my head as Spring plants are sprouting outdoors.  Really can't wait for mushroom season to get here!  Stay tuned, I will be posting new recipes all this next week for Spring treats and delights.  If you have any specific type recipes you are interested in, post a comment and I will see what I can do about getting some posted or a link to where you can find some - maybe both!  Main point - Enjoy Spring - Eat natural and healthy - eat what's in season - know what's in season - Enjoy!

 Just Me - Granny D