Saturday, April 16, 2011

Southern Indiana Morel Mushroom Season Is Here!

Indiana Morel Mushrooms

In Indiana, every Spring we get out and hunt for the morel mushrooms found in southern Indiana. These mushrooms are found in Michigan also I am told.  I don't know, I just know about the ones I hunt every spring for a delicious meal or two or possibly more.  Actually we hunt for several different types of wild, edible mushrooms that taste wonderful and only available in the Spring and in the wild – unless someone else finds them and sells them to you.

First in season in Southern Indiana is the black sponge and the snake head or pecker head mushrooms – about a week later, the silver or gray sponge mushrooms make their appearance with the strongly coveted yellow and white sponge morels following about a week after that. All of these are edible and delicious. They can also be frozen for eating at other times of the year. ( It's always a great treat for everyone when you surprise them with a mess of mushrooms at summer fish frys or at a family reunion or holiday dinner.)  I know of some who have dehydrated the morels and had good luck with that way of preserving them.

To Prepare, Freeze, and Cook Morels -

Freezing mushrooms for use later is extremely easy. Soak your fresh mushrooms in a salt water solution in the refrigerator over night. The following morning, drain the mushrooms, rinse in cold water, - if you haven't sliced them in half before soaking them, do so now. You should slice from top to bottom of stem. Dip your slices in a mixture of beaten egg and milk, and then dip and coat with flour. Lay the sliced mushrooms on a wax paper covered tray, do not cover the mushrooms, place tray of mushrooms into freezer to freeze. When frozen solid, place the slices into freezer bags and place them back into your freezer until ready to cook. When ready to fry the mushrooms, remove the slices you wish to fry, do not thaw, place frozen breaded slices into a frying pan of hot oil and fry quickly till each side is golden brown.

Fried morel mushrooms make great sandwiches, taste wonderful with scrambled eggs and as my Grandson says, “They're great just dipping them in ketchup and eating them!”

Happy mushroom hunting everyone! Good luck with the find and hope you enjoy this savory treat from the woods!
Just Me - Granny D

1 comment:

  1. I have never tried freezing them but I am going to and I crumble crackers in a bowl then I ground then up as fine as I can get them with the bottom of a glass cup or anything I can find them do eggs then cracker and pan fry everyone that I have told and they tried this says it tastes better you can add season salt and other spice's in to plz let me know if you try it and what you think
