Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wild Boar

Recently I had a coworker ask me if I had any suggestions on how to cook a hind quarter of a wild boar.  There were several different cooking methods and recipes and ideas that we discussed before he settled on what is really my favorite way to prepare wild boar or a pig.  It all starts with digging a pit!!  Actually, if you are planning on cooking a whole pig or a hind quarter, then a barbque pit is a good idea, but if you are only cooking a portion of the boar at a time, then there are many great ways to prepare it and just as many if not more wonderful recipes to use. 

For example, if cooking a shoulder roast or a rack of ribs or a tenderloin, you would want to use different cooking methods and different recipes.  Boar meat also makes good sausages, jerky and meat sticks. 

If you are not an avid hunter, or do not have the opportunity to hunt for wild boar in your locality, wild boar meat is available to purchase from various sources.  Not only is wild boar considered to be wild game, but is also considered a gourmet delicacy meat.

There are places to order the different cuts of boar meat and then there are also places to order a whole wild boar during legal hunting seasons.  Due to the fact that wild boar live in natural habitats, forage for their food rather than corn fed, the cuts of meat are normally very lean, low on fat.  Wild boars have not been fed antibiotics, man-made chemicals, etc.  When discussing organic, wild boar meat has to be considered organic or at the least all natural!  Check out these products, and then check out my recommendations for cooking! 

Recipes for pork shoulder roasts, home made sausages, jerky and many others are included in the recipe book featured below - check back here for some of my personal recipes to be posted later this week.  In the mean time, here are links for wild boar meat and for the cookbook I recommend to all who eat wild, gourmet meats!

While checking out the wild boar meat - know that most any recipe for pork - pig, can be used for wild boar.  I will post some specific recipes, but I have to say that barbqued pulled pork is one of my favorites, and barbqued pulled boar is just as good!!!

To find some really great recipes and wild game cooking tips,  Ted Nugent has a great cookbook called "Kill It & Grill It".  I would recommend this book to anyone who is just venturing into hunting and preparing wild game for the table!  There are some books that are just plain great how to books that need to be on your bookshelf or with your recipes - this is one of them!  


Just Me - Granny D

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